InsideEDGE terms and conditions of use and operation

Complaints Policy

Australian Customer Complaint Handling and Dispute Resolution Policy

  1. Dispute resolution:
    Our staff at all levels have a commitment to the efficient and fair resolution of complaints. All complaints will be responded to in a positive manner enabling the customer to contribute to the improvement of the company’s services and products.

    The complaint handling process will be fair to both the customer making the complaint, the person or persons about whom the complaint is made and InsideEDGE. The review of your case will always be thorough and impartial, with the intention of meeting a resolution.
    We will ensure that complaints are handled by staff with the appropriate level of experience and authority to resolve the complaints in a timely manner.
    All complaints will be dealt with promptly and you will be treated in a courteous manner. If the complaint investigation is prolonged, you will be kept regularly informed of its progress. We aim to resolve all complaints within 20 days.

  2. Feedback
    At InsideEDGE we work hard to make your experience as seamless as possible. When we fall short, we are committed to improving our processes to make them more customer-centric. If you are unhappy with our products or services, we would like you to tell us so we can investigate, and where appropriate, take action to correct the situation and prevent it from happening again.
  3. How to make a complaint

    Call Us: 1300 551 987
    In writing: You can write to us directly as follows;

    Attention: Customer Service Dispute Department
    Level 2, 25 Palmerston Cres,
    South Melbourne, Vic, 3205 Australia

  4. Process
    We will aim to resolve your complaint at the first point of contact or as quickly as possible thereafter. If you are satisfied with our response, we will send you confirmation articulating the mutually agreed resolution and reasoning. At all times you are entitled to seek independent legal advice regarding your options.

    To investigate your complaint, we may request the following:

    • your vehicle registration and contract details;
    • the name of the person at InsideEDGE you have been liaising with;
    • the nature of the complaint;
    • details of any steps you have already taken to resolve the complaint;
    • information to support your complaint.

    If you call us to make a complaint, we will ask you to confirm that we have understood your complaint correctly.  We will provide you with the contact information of the person who will assist you and a reference number for your complaint.

    If your InsideEDGE representative is unable to resolve your complaint, or you are dissatisfied with the response, it will be escalated internally for further review, in accordance with our Complaints Handling and Dispute Resolution Procedures.

    We will consider the information you have provided to us, our actions in relation to your dealings with us, and any other information relevant to your complaint. In our investigation of your complaint, we may need to seek further clarification or information from you to assist in resolving your complaint.

    We always aim to resolve complaints as quickly as reasonably possible, however, some complaints may take longer to resolve due to the complexity of the complaint. If we think your complaint is likely to take longer than 20 days to resolve, we will advise you of this and explain why it is taking longer, what is happening, and when you can expect a response.

    Once we have finalised your complaint, we will advise you of our findings, the reasons for those findings and any action we have taken or propose to take. We will do this in writing, unless it has been mutually agreed that we can provide it to you verbally.

  5. If you are not satisfied with the outcome
    If you are not satisfied with the outcome, the following options may be available to you:

    Independent legal advice
    At all times you are entitled to seek independent legal advice regarding your options, including any external dispute resolution or complaints mechanisms which may be applicable to your complaint.

    Australian Financial Complaints Authority

    Inside Edge Novated Leasing Pty Ltd is a member of an external dispute resolution body, The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). If the product you are complaining about has been provided to you by these entities, subject to eligibility, you may be able to refer your complaint to AFCA.

    If your complaint relates to a product that is from a company outside InsideEDGE and that other company is a member of AFCA, you may lodge your complaint with the provider directly, or through AFCA. The provider will have details of the complaints policy within the applicable Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). You may find details of the providers AFCA membership at

    Access to AFCA is free of charge to you. They offer fair, independent and accessible dispute resolution for consumers and small business that are unable to resolve complaints directly with member financial services providers. Please note that before AFCA can investigate your complaint, AFCA requires you to have first provided the relevant member with the opportunity to address the complaint.

    If you would like further information about AFCA go to

    AFCA can be contacted on:

    Call: 1800 931 678

    Post: GPO Box 3, Melbourne, Victoria 3001

    Email address:

  6. Insurance policies distributed by InsideEDGE acting as agent or authorised representative of another Australian financial services license holder
    • If your complaint is related to an insurance policy distributed by InsideEDGE on behalf of another Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL), that is not part of InsideEDGE, we must notify them. This allows them to resolve the matter or deal with it in accordance with their own internal dispute resolution processes as required by ASIC Regulatory Guide 271 and/or as required by the General Insurance Code of Practice.
    • If your complaint is in connection with an insurance company’s conduct such as their handling of your insurance claim, we will direct you to contact the insurer directly.  This allows them to resolve the matter or deal with it in accordance with their own internal dispute resolution processes. The only exception to this is where we have issued the contract of insurance as agent of the insurance company under a binding agreement, in which case, your complaint will initially be dealt with under our own internal Complaints Handling and Dispute Resolution Procedures.

    We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint referred to above within one business day from receiving it. This will be done by phone, or email. We will then notify the appropriate AFSL holder of the complaint and work together to assess, investigate and resolve the matter in line with the required timeframes and their internal dispute resolution guidelines. You will receive a final response to your complaint within 30 days. If the matter is complex and a longer period is required, you will be informed.

Last updated: February 2023

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